about medicare, it's kinda like two steps forward one back and what seems missing in the debate about healthcare is something about the actual care and not just the dollar and cents of it.
I'm a bit nutty, I enjoy lady gaga
ok new business,
the passion of anna is a beautiful film. "..and now you live like a scared dog" and the way it starts with the sparse sound and the scared dog man fixing a hole in his roof that's been there too long. and the interupted narrative, oh bergman ;)
I also watched manhatten for the first time in years though back in the end of high school it was my undsiputed fav. in college I read a breakdown of it that highlighted a scene where diane keaton says she can f (something like) the entire m.i.t. staff so why is she setteling for a married man or woody allen. but because I had only seen the movie on tcm and the recording I made of it, I had never seen that scene, ole ted turner had cut the scene!!! but her character and what a fun character it would have been to write, "I'm from philadelphai, we believe in god." well she has the classic anti bergman rant, and then woody with like a stern politeness takes his 17 year old gf and leaves keaton behind because bergman is da man. the wonderful opening to manhatten is like the yang to annie hall's yin opening.
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