pardon the dove parade but, i'm guessing mccain's not going to get this one but still. this nation's role in the world, bla bla bla. band of outlaws, the obama(care) 5, who needs an editor? outlaw yoga. sympathy for obscure terrorists. like jagger but different. righteous tree of treason i suppose doesn't need water or something or another. i love waking up in the morning and wondering who i killed last nite you know as a country.
we kill those in al-quada or what not because "never again" bla bla "fight em there not here" on and on and treason is you know unacceptable. death to you and/or your country/religion/lifestyle bla bla bal. you may be wondering by now what's popular in k-pop. i found myself wondering if Maryland is a state just now but still.
two kill those riding in the car with soon to be or up and coming terrorists is the easy enough place to say enough with the drone strikes. the terrorists may ask though what's the point if the lighting's not right and thus depend on their assistant(s) to wage war 2.0 or whatever you'd call it in your caucus.
blowing up the twin towers was you know not legal according to the same law book or what not that declares the drone program illegal, parts of more than likely at least anyway, the grey locations.
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