
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

hear "oh my god" too much?

we could recast higher education so that all the info and all the success strategies are available and well organized online at no cost. there would just need to be something better but similar to a twitter verification system which could give you a degree. there would of course still need to be professors, but not nearly as many, nor as many classrooms. k-12 could also ramp you up to be able to learn in that way during your high school years.

athletes could get paid by their stats as negotiated by the union and eliminate contracts.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

try having a career without a cell phone

oh did you not think of that during your journey to a sacred/pinky out degree? thanks for writing on al-jeezy's website. and don't even get me started on having a career without using email and/or eschewing sending emails to anyone not using a single-user email system. I will speculate that the market will screw(compete with) you now.
you don't have a right to know who facebook sells your info to other than to theoretically anyone. so far so good but that's the business standard. you want/need money? yes? then 99% of us have to sign up for surveillance by the so-called big brother. the only question is whether this is unprecedented or just a new high? you can't be a privacy hawk/advocate and not be alarmed by google/microsoft/facebook/etc.
what am I just going to sit there and let them be wrong? transparency is a strange and wonderful principle.
for her to dominate the democractic primary, she can't just lay out some kanye-wouldn't this have seemed far out in 06 type of brand. the youth vote, not the young at heart vote, as bill maher pointed out elected the terminator because in large part of some vehicle tax that the kids could understand and be outraged by. icymi, the youth vote is a key to any d winning. so beyond just the kids like to "do sex" and maybe e. warren doing a couple campaign appearances about not tasing all the bro's; what is h's timeless appeal to those just becoming adults? asking for a friend, not like I care or anything. I would think the hyper educated youth won't really buy that she'll bring back the glory b.c years of economic growth because Obama's had most of the same people advising him that b.j. Clinton did and o is as savvy now as any president in my life. you know maybe she gets a brand new economic new team around her but it's still her deciding, she's still the producer of the boy/girl band, so how different will the songs end up? the fundamentals are the same. 
I've got to go watch some show about dragon eggs.

... breaking. The pinkies...

First, Big Data! it's outrageous that Verizon and google even have the info to feed prism in the first place.
2nd, white flag? again broken record but must have missed a to the q waving the white flag. so I would love a straight answer from some folks about the plan to win the war against a-q.
so then it's a question along the lines of, is government more prone to evil than corporations?
you could compare the body count of the v-nam war vs. the Obama admins war on terror. doesn't it matter?
by the way there were 1100 people killed in Iraq in april, 2013.
want a nightmare? a leaker from facebook or twitter reveals that they have complied a ranking of you know religious devotion of it's users to sell to you know clients/advertisers?

If you're not marrying your apodted daughter; you're not trying hard enough.

Discrimination 2.0 is bad for the country. It's not necessarily that the gov. is worse than Microsoft or google, but it's no better than those corporations.
Of course, it's charming, in a way, to level the playing field that is big data. No longer is that info only "private", now the public can elect some people to have access to that same data thanks to team Obama. you don't want to end up apologizing to apple for having the audacity to tax them. or maybe you do.
it's still gonna be, a vote for Hilary is a vote to save the world

There's a replacement rate issue!

Old barack hates young barak. a good day har har har. trust but variefied? Is, is local. I can feel myself getting smarter, but I think I prefer it the other way.

The next google : lettuceslideit

Patents on desiring more knowledge. This contains no forward motion. Bing might surpass but will likely fade away with google to the next google the way desktops are slipping in market share to tablets. I think I’ll make a facebook list with only non-personal, non-individual members. Npr did a pretty nice story on patents centered around (you know, in a way) a company called osasis holding or something, it’s a company that bought a patent and then pursused an extreme if familiar interpration of what’s inlcuded in their patent. It’s like government we want has shrunk but gov we don’t want has increased. Patent office has become overburden, not kept up with growth so thye just approve everything and let the courts figure it out, and the amount of documents that are classified has increased too much. 4wards and 7 years ago, I was in the nut house.

The bro's of the 1950's (still think I'm terrible)

so how I met your mother could be alluding to the subject's personality at the time he/she met your mother.
moan moan moan. there's no massive change due, not because I objected to work (which I did, buy the way). straightforward is the word of the day and decade at least.
in it for the toys was the last place suggestion for h.r.c '08. withouth liberal guilt, what else is ..... Kodak does 98% of the fundraising for my film." intern wars" is I believe the new star wars movie name.

Nice sales

this is about various things. all aboard har har har. did you miss the last aa meeting?
a problem with msnbc is they don't cover the "radical humanists" as much as they could. the bradly manning for nobel prize you know caucus is all up in my mind but it's just so much easier to cover aaron swatz or drones rather than go all in on the current state of the o. stone industrial complex. aaron was great, drones are terrible. bla bla bla.  admittley they might leave the coverage of b. manning deserves a nobel to a comedy channel but you know still if somebody with a kill list can get a nobel than geez why not?
It seems i'm misspeelin nobel. noble. see bad speeling connotes so much.
there's a nice sale on final draft software that ends today. FDM513 at checkout for 100 bucks off. I think it comes with a lot of stock in dell and myspace. I have no clue as to why I should or shouldn't buy the new ms office suite. go ahead and anagram pirate bay.. bar pet a.i.y. the cool kids have the google glass app for screenwriting and exceling.
delusions are so nice. you can pry my delusions from my cold dead hand.
wikileaks wanting folks to "own" anything is pretty much the greatest thing ever.

nothing mr. wouldn't sell

things to say:
Bradley manning/e. warren 2016!
model dropout
ruins!!! is my fav. talking heads bside to pyscho killer
why did Obama wait so long to address the existence of the kill list?
I should work and/or study more
dirty arena would be the worst bond movie title ever.

the possible case against susan rice

no promise on this being any more grammatically correct of a post.

does it all come down to the treatment/judgement of the events of wikileaks?

no for me

I go slow I go fast I mainly do it wrong.

mrs. susan rice.

what did she do re:bengahzi?

she possibly managed the message/talking points via communication through her assistants/team as they(state dept. deputies) almost clearly are not just going to hand her a final draft of that speech/message.

cue the breaking news sound right? but what are/were her so-called principles of management based on? I going to go out on a limb and type that she knows how to read. I think she friends on myspace with the head of the cia etc. do not make any top 8 jokes,\ Hilary jokes are totes funny thoug...h

so all she did was say what turns out to be bad talking points. she might say the tone of the conversation on those shows was that her talking points are similar to a scienctific hypothesis at you know the start of an experiment that might have any number of results.

they were jaw-droppingly bad talking points to her mainstreet but loud critics or maybe loud critics live in the suburbs. dollhouses for everyone. there is no main street. corner stores, malls and downtowns/broadways

the base of e. warren 2016 or the more dovish tha..............i'm certainly going to click publish->

Obama supporters who feel somewhat betrayed by Obama based on his 07/08 campaign.

thrill of casting votes for firsts

open secrets wouldn't be too eager to support any democrat. where are you on wikileaks?

Benghazi 2.0 hawks would also be far from eager to support any dovish dem,

v  ?????????

I ?????

Obama himself?

pointing out the obvious there and in pretty much every blog of mine

more dovish than Obama would mean??

more no-flyzones? probably not.

bovi= no forgein bases.   I hope you're drinking enough water before you read that. the fine folks making new apple computers need more work.

for realsz. ?????
end the drones? close gitmo on day one. Palestine denotes this AND that and nothing else. less friendly to isreal you know for real. is really a good idea to put it together yourself.

gifts for the citizens of the usa!
arts funding! not through kklxyandz har har har. carter era taxes. more movies cheaper prices. how could we lose? we won't mandate pre-k watching all of 5 broken cameras. quality negiotarors.

gun control in 200 years

so I just had a chat with you know myself in crazytown about gun control

the fear would be coming from like atheist republicans, they exist!, yes the people have little shot now at defending a gov. takeover of their house but imagine if we start to limit assult weapons now how much further ahead the military would get in a couple hundred years??? really?tanks seem to be the jump off point or you know the end of the 2nd amendment in a way.

yes. i. cna

it's a movie trailer.

so to solve the palenstine problem,
we should send the coalition of willing nations army to occupy what will become the palestine state and tell all  bordering nations to you know stand the fuck back. then hand over the gov to the palentstine and say goodnight to another mission.

the next 250 views

oh dear readers who ever you are, I started this and two other blogs this year and I'm nearing 1000 page views and that seems like a nice enough place to stop. no idea about legit those view stats are but you know feel free to donate. maybe i'll start another blog for shits and giggles but I think I won't keep posting on this one or any of the others after I get another 250 total page views which will maybe be in 2 weeks or so.

this is my blog to give away everything I learned and more from film school and working in the biz of the show,

this is my goofy awesome sports blog,

and this is my older blog about the first term of pres. Obama. it has even better grammar.

goofy yet still humorless

the guy with the blank check

the politics of the 20's

polite, polite, angry


so what?

are all goofy titles for a possible doc on straight ahead politics

act 1 the d's/the moderates/the radicals/the r's

act 2 election history/future stars/maps maps and more maps

act 3 Iraq: the last 25 years up to it's next national election

anyway feel free to make a kickstarter project with the above info

in the future...the current militias will be heavily recruited by a military led by republicans.

if you're going to steal the project, take note that my fav. title right now is polite polite angry.

more details:

q's for politicians/adovocates/ staffers/activists

elections: fdr, 60, 68, 96, 08, 12 (with most time on 12 including a fairly detailed look at bohener's win in his district which is in ohio)

Iraq: history lead up to ww1 - ww2 and after - 1979 - saddam - 9/11
topics: w.-in-Iraqi, Obama in action (gitmo/prisons, kill list/drones, al-qeda/Taliban), next national election (regional interests, secartrian issues)

q topics for political figures:
state's rights
gun control
immigration reform
women's equality

so what's the ending?: who to vote for?/I am so smart? a list of top problems/issues? against a certain tendency in American politics?

would it be cooler to just hear diane finstein talk about drones on cspan than to watch my effort?    

ladder of denial

Michael e. mann on a climate desk live webcast. gotta love it.

"unbeatable" science

the earth's sensitivity to CO2 seems to be a foundation of the science of global warming/climate change/skyfall/the attack of the humans on the earth

CO2 levels are higher than they have been in "4 million" years or more. back then, who can forget? the earth was 2 degrees warmer and the seas were 100ft higher.

this Michael mann science professor came up with what is seemingly a famous chart called, the hockey stick. this chart showed the unprecedented warming spike in relatively recent years.

in other notes: 6k years ago the earth was about as warm.

oh the haters:

w. bush "we have to break our (the usa)addiction to fossil fuels"
vs senator inhoff "global warming is the single greatest hoax in human history"

so mr. mann has been compared to the Unabomber and still in the minds of the far-right, needs to be killed in the electric chair. which of course has some sick metaphor with the coal providing the electricity.

the fix will be cheaper in 10-20 years so why not just ride it out?
vs 400ppm

since all of you are dying for an assignment from yours truly, i'll add to war games which he brought up as a great movie, the insider directed by the other mikchela mann, good night and good luck and the possibly unmade doc about climate-gate (2009 edition)

jfk is for horny

The problem with the R's strat. is that it makes them say Nixon was terrible. They, as it turns out, the r's actually love Nix. it was a different time, people were just starting to know, like really know how horny jfk was and that fdr wasn't a runner. law and order wasn't actually on the error yet.

Nixon in china is the r's favorite opera. it's very dramatic. terror-in-Benghazi is too pinky outish plus the music is weird. always remember the d's are lenient, that's kinda their thing.

b. press

the real face of terriosm showed its self and they didn't recognize it quick enough.

 it's a rice and bengahzi playlist I put together

I hope this is the end of my vampire hunting

walter white

who was the Obama years better for, h.r.c. or chelesa Clinton whatevers?

I might go with cc you know moving forward

kid gloves for the kid gloves

Benghazi over drones...

susan rice is on team America's  relay team with scooter libby

the Obama doctrine is to stand by while letting it's friends get the tar kicked out of them

yes we can do better than drone warfare.

it would've been bad enough for ms. rice to give all the original talking points. from the hearings it seems that the consensus on the ground within a heartbeat of the attack was that it was an al-queda style attack. only inside the beltway types seemed to think that maybe it was a reaction to q.t. 2.0's video. presenting both sides while saying we aren't sure yet would've been crazy enough but to cherry pick the most far fetched possibility and not give any juice to what the folks on the ground thought is kid gloves on top of kid gloves because al-queda is scary!

so maybe petrus is rice's cheney because rice sure looks a lot like scooter libby.

"what does it matter" h.r.c. at her hearing

tough question in a way

romeny and the r's didn't make ground with the flip-flop or retaking of the public info test.

of course Kerry and the d's didn't make much on the fly out of pat tillman or valiere plame,.

no rushmore for Obama??

pres. h.r.c.?

the politics of tragedy

susan rice!
talking points

S. Rice was clearly spinning tragedy in the way that best suited her politics.

two questions:
1: does she have a cell phone?
2: does she have a boss?

not getting promoted is the new getting fired.

i was promised victory lap time

I live in a hockey town!

also probs gonna to hell

I enjoy the pope jokes.


Susan Rice has a craigslist ad for a new backing band.

she covers anything could happen but of course is not a former idol champ.

jokes jokes and more lame jokes

less is actually less as not less of the truth but just fewer words!!! mother fucker!!!!!!

because it's like you know it doesn't really matter what she says. right?

their was a mule named iraq

the usa military killed it. every family member who owned that goat, now has a death grudge on said nation.

b. questions

does Obama have an internal poll that showed they would permanently loose a large segment of voters over a panic about a terrists attack specifically on 9/11. or do they have a poll showing they would gain/rebound if there was a limited attack? dunh dunh dunh. if so, were these poll numbers so well known that they were ingrained in every political appointee? did that cause delay after the first attack?

sec.ondary notes:
not an oct. surprise.
impeach the weak of ______
..because of course if the terriosts are winning that would be bad for the president you don't need a poll for that. but impeach the weakness of not facing your own political problems and using the leverage of a quick something or another when you declare it was terriosm and then use that political capital to get the rest of the inlvoved nations to instantly pursue on the level investigations.? what a sentence!! or not even, won.

impeach the weak politicion
the Obama legacy: impeached ____

heads will roll?

most our soldiers are you know 18-30

the me generation right?


I wasn't going to blog today. I barely remember the event. some almost viral video or something seemed like a nutty excuse to attribute so-called terrorists activity to just a little of the old scratch that death to the infidels itch for your so-called average almost radical conservative muslim of libya.

to recap it's all nbc new's fault. - barry o. in the white house

Rubio at the playboy mansion, I like girls and immigration is I guess old Harold ford's "retort"

freshman staffers way coller than hbo.

blank page

take the stairs@@@!!!

I really do tend to lose my nerve. or give in to jadedlity.

over sharing. it is fun to write or type or what not.

remember when they had the playoffs in that one stadium?

Pres. Obama

would he answer a question as silly as, how do you define decentcy?

particularly if I ran the spell check or consulted a dictionary.

insult factory time!!!!!!!!

say even if the dow is at 16k and umemployment is below 7% the adbuster unions still won't care, more crappy jobs is hardly the final answer.


wtf do I have to say about anything? the next sentence that starts with a w a t or an f will be the last.publish y

you could make a movie of a William Gibson book but dress it in teenage century clothing.

they wanted fucking better results!!!!!!!!!!

wait, Benghazi isn't in Syria?

I really thought it was. I have pants on. An alt title was for those who rock the mom and/or the dad jeans.

if ben to the g 9/11 part 2012 had happened in say 2011 or this year, why would anyone believe that susan rice does what she did that weekend?

it (the Obama white house) is a mess. my house is perfect thank you very much.

team Obama ...
doesn't know how to text
thinks paypal is for warlords expansion
is rolling back the first and 2nd ammendements while amplfing exec. power
had larry summers tell me that my knee pad factory pays too high a wage.
loves it when I click-publish

actually sort of over the whole Obama thing


Drones!!! So Real Time or RT as I call it, had the author of Blackwater on to say how terrible this country's drone strikes are. I did watch. On a different channel somebody else got me outraged by saying there was racism in jury selection for some case because afr-amer who read newsweek were not chosen but caucs who also read newsweek were kept. I was not so outraged by the drone expose. are you ready for some details???

ethos!!! who are we as a culture/people? do other cultures do it better? if so, can we codify their beliefs by like tomorrow? ha ha ha, you thought there was to be details. loser's get lucky

love is a battlefield!!!! al-qeuda compounds are a battlefield. ....  for the humorless kids(or people who didn't watch that show), how dare you (Obama) kill an innocent child with a drone?! he was more than likely, i'm not sure what google is, in a so-called war zone. official but secretly labeled enemy stronghold. excessive use of lethal force?

There's about to be some M some S some N some B and some C

Oh hello, hello so good to see you!

100 days of audacity/100 days of hope

pretty sure pot's still not legal. this is like the beginning of the LOTR: the fellowship where the one hobbit says hello to all the different other hobbits at his party.

women are still making 75 sense on the dollar, millions of people are you know illegal, stand your ground though right behind our friend barry in the white house. staring down Hillary in the white house. still can't spell bengahzi. so what am I so angry about or what should I be so angry about? I didn't get laid last night. guns don't move the needle. faithful readers of this blog know that wasn't going anywhere, because how can we protect ourselves against tanks and drones of the gov. if we have universal background checks? right?

I can't recall what simone deB. labeled the look that men give women, it's like "the stare" or something. anyway that's what the media is doing to h.r.c.. so there's the audacity

the hope is fading in my mind for immigration reform, it's hard to see nacy Pelosi getting too excited about the bills that are being debated, pretty much they still let age 50-something immigrants who've been working at shit jobs at illegal wages, it still lets them die in the street because they likely will never get social security. but of course to the right, it's all amnesty so the needle won't move any further towards justice than where it is now. the hope then for the2014/16 d's is unemployment and the stock market and maybe some sort of sequel to zero dark thirty.

movies I can't stop thinking about: 5 broken cameras, james bond and everything or nothing at least the extended interview with B.J. Clinton, aaron sorkin!moneyball (the win streak is historic, zito, Hudson, mulder, are historical) . I think I should watch mad men but I haven't been.

for Romney's 2nd guessers, it's all about the 2nd debate with B.H.O.

but first about me. or at least me during the last presidential election. I didn't write much at all just a few dozen tweets a few of which I can only remember from time to time and the rest, not at all.  I certainly can't tell you much at all about the campaign choices my congressman, jim cooper made. 

but anyway, enough batting practice.  Romney had it won after the first debate is what the almost level headed fans of the unskewed polls will tell you if they are like the voices in my head.  R's failure to exceed or match his first debate performance is as bad as bho's Denver dive.  the nicest apology of the Denver perf. was that all folks should listen to content or policy positions or what not and that bho won on that esp. with incumbency factored in.  I guess you can say the third debate was a lost opportunity for R and/or folks with questions about drones. gore and the over-consumption of powerbars pre-debate 0ct. 2000.

when the other guy is hilary

you should comment on my sports posts so often that it's you know 90 something percent your content .

the pope and the attack on the death tax and that's all they've got

gays = 2nd class!!! because of course they are faking it and what's next the government seeing no difference between marriage and dating? ,,,
the scotus and the constitution say the citizens have a fundemental right to marry. PERIOD! so then it seems to switch into the so-called question: what is marriage? which to me is an abusrd question because it's a(the) slippery-slope to asking what is god. but then it's back to so-called(there's a league minium of uses that so-called frase) rights of the minority which is slightly different than a fundemental right. again if you allow your Bible to frame every conversation which you know is kinda sorta illegal hear, then being a homosexual is different than being short or tall.  the question, should the scotus grant certain folks the right to vote or change their vote after the results are known because they voted for a 3rd party and thus making them a tiny or theoritcal permanent minority, is a much tougher lift than, should two people be allowed to marry.

2014/16 slogans
you may need to twist and shout these into fashion fer me

the first post-obama candidate =??

merit not false hope t&s = our earned providence

obama jr jr  wheel it in two everybody loves touchdowns

third term obama something or another

the winner for not the onion headline would be, 2016 hillary or chesea?  yes we can make dustin hoffman allusions

bad parents = worse kids= no future

the bully vote is not thrilled with team obama
those who bully and those who are bullied both aren't huge for o.b. as i call him.

broken recorded  but i still don't see the code pink vote coming out for harry reid senate ds in 14. the house is stupid if i dare say.

jeb bush bla bla bla v chris mcain kritsy kreme. i guess the danger in making a national story about mcconell 14 is if he wins, he might inch ahead of jebby the bush for the i heart incumbent voters who are the right side of main street brand/band caucusers.

fer ashley judd

in response to the your a celebrity attack: your solution mr. mconelle for masscare reform is to send christian bale to comfort survivors at the hospital because god have mercy on our country if the government of the people were to do any reasonable attempt to stop serial killers from preying on the public.  like many of my friends who are famous I have used my spotlight to aid our country. bla bla bla

As it turns out, I am excellent at blogging

Dances with Wolves is a quality title.  WWD.  So I'm reading not one but two grammar improvement books and I bought two others. Not just style guides but answers to questions about nouns.  ok so the kill list
do you think a usa/nato/un military strike on the iranian nuclear weapons program would reboot the cold war???
reach-a-settlement between isreal and palestine but settlements are the problem
the ds v the rs. oh and it's nice that finally msnbc promoted some white guys i mean really how long do they/we have to wait if only i could remember how to spell msnbc i'd watch more
the 2nd first 100 days seems to be about as lackluster as expected for president audacity.  but unlike fdr he didn't appoint a scotus judge that had worn the hood to speak to eh kkk rally, though of course in a way you know free speech and all but still first do no harm.
e. warren 2016 is fading fast. wear was she on gun control!!!? jailing bankers in some average t.burton movie.  the jailing of the bankers will open big at the rolling stone offices but not anywhere else as the nation will oddly miss it, hair washing or something or another. for the record, folks who were making 47k/year and owned a 399k house that is now valued at 299k and got foreclosed in the g.r. easily should've been bailed out, nationlize those homes in part but jailing bankers? i believe the retort in response 2 bankers jailed would be blow me. it's funny some folks want to jail bankers and let pirates run wild, it's amazing more grown-ups haven't bought in to that. 
luke for immigration reform to become our only hope for anything other than the trees actually being the right height under this white house. schubert 960 is great not quite 959 but really what is

greying is the new balding

top bunk or attack of the attackers of the drones

more drone discussion points!!!!!!!!!
cafe strikes is actually not a star wars movie as it turns out.
issues: territory, elections and soverignty are issues for war drones and on domestic issues I belive the movie is called fear of the living robots which was the working title of argo the ben affleck story which went into production sometime after 69.
bumper stickers (and yes I've buried the lead in hear)  overuse/ease of use, kill list transparency, i.e. isn't the theory that MLKjr and JFK were on the so-called kill list of the 60's, and here's my topper, the obama admin. hil biden and all, has legalized religious war covert, stealth or otherwise.  and if you want extra shit on that sub sandwhich, it's like the us gov. has taken up a kenyan tribal war against arabs.  I believe i just got a tweet from the nation magazine saying i'm too radical and I'm an Obama guy! intelligence gathering, by the way, seems over-rated at this point in the war, it really is more benghazi than 9/11 part 1. 
for the record, when i sit down i usually have more points/topics but who gives a crap after the big haymaker. religious war! it's like 2.0 of fight em there istead of here ,or the 10pm drama after the somewhat/occasionally heartfelt episode of the office.

because you should rum for state office

tweeting is blogging for guys.  pretty sure cpac has actually nailed it.  as i see it, the repub. establishment is betting on winning in 2014 as they did in 2010 and that the obama um, obamanization is centerd on him not an actual change in the country which maybe remains a center-right country.  thus no change on gay/women/non-white equality and no big change on military spending/strategy.  I would look for a change in the repub. estab in 2015 only if 2014 is more 2006 than 2010.

Judd Dread

the thing about a deep bench is that most of those folks kinda sorta belong there, on the bench not on the road.  if you take a deep breath, yes you can smell the fear of a A. Judd senate run.  she would get tons of cash from the coasts and be an insane burst of optimism/enthusiam. she's not a center-left politician. boldin in the 4th. pre-k is what they'll get. you know what's cooler than killing osama? winining the war on terror!.........
best celeb names that eye know of, drew barrymore and denzel washington not neccesarly in that order.
there are blog posts and then there's this blog post

defend your circle jerk or to win the war as humanely as possible

so victory against al-qa. would/could mean that they exist in a similiar way to the neo-nazis and possibly to julian assange type groups that are kinda sorta absolutely for the overthrow of western civ.

when would the pilots of 9/11 part 1 have made it on the kill list of the obama admin.?

as the pope said on chirstmas eve, try to make more room for god in your heart this coming year.

_ we can
murder or people we can kill

we can also withdraw all us.a. troops from every foriegn country

or: we could've....... had say 2-4 espiponage agents on the ground for each of the 2,500+ decent targets that the drone killed. please note that would involve you know plain clothes troops on the ground in countries we are not at war with. 

guerilla warriors is a good hacker group name though it's probably copyrighted already

i just do myself
a favor and not pay for the internets -jk

content ratings for every EVERY website

inbetween resistance and a putsch

bla bal bla gerrymandering house seats is similar to the spirit of the senate. except not really

maybe the majority of muslims in the mideast would approve/prefer that isreal be redrawn by current muslim nations

5or6 hours a day fundraising for politicians means assitants do more is maybe a great horror movie title. are staff members more important/responsible than ever for the acts of congress/government?

cheney in charge!?
well don't lose elections to him, don't get "soft" (brought to you by hil. clin 2003)
fisa courts? they're nice enough but it's just a bigger circle jerk and not everyone's orectic all the time
remember as it is, it's not just obama throwing darts alone, staffers etc. are already having a robust debate. also civil lib. groups will challenge the court ruilings so in a way it's just the politicans washing their hands of the issue and more than likely the dove council until next election.

seal teams and army members not drones( feel free to note the blog's overall title and that this will be a longer post) sometimes they too shoot non-combants in raids and create extreme fear. 
there were cheers/demands for exit stratagies but oddly no cheers/demands for a victory strategy and i must have missed the white flag waving

me having time to think on this issue, this droning issue is equal to a fisa courts for drones.  you get at the very least, one percent smarter as it goes but it takes more time.  no wonder they've got a republican as point person of the drone program. drones make enemies

some key qutoes from the brennan hearing today

fienstein # of non-combant citizens killed by drones

chambliss, very real threat, attacks by the enemy in recent months, iran iran iran, c.i.a. equals the point of our spear, needed oversight might mean to him that he would actually lower the bar on what's considered needed to get on the kill list, torture bla bla bal

brennan, elsuive secrects as opposed to just secrets but i'm clearly not a grammer cop, wants proud behavior and/or behavior to be proud of,

back to f.stein, torture lead (?) to bin laden, staff needs to see the internal kill rule memos, so the answer seems to be more lawyers because disinterest can't be assumed despite the existing lawyer rules of the proffession (that's my addition)

chambliss, not happy with the pre 9/11 bin laden stragey that didn't involve the cia killing him

wyden (why aren't you the hero of the anti-droners) dept. of just. not playing along with congress,  wants a public conversation about drones with authoriative evidence, no q's about drones 2.0 (what ever that may be) all q's about drones

drones 2.0 could be something like a smaller version but it could also be a deadly new hybrid of tech and espionage.

the other q's where about leaks and cyber threats

the visceral hate of drones by forgein citizens should be compared to their (also visceral) hate of the iraq invasion, the afghan invasion,  9/11, and life under sadam.

the fox news mirror or what not, bush w. was withdrawing troops, obama doesn't torture or believe in secret in the light of day prisons so just murders so-called top level al-q. again i must have missed the white flag they (al-q.) raised but did you know I don't think I missed the pretty clear will of the people message from 06 on that the bush doctraine was a mess.  but again the r's seem to have carried the day.

ending with politics, it's worth noting that the last two presidents have ended their terms seem pretty much as a joke. cum here and i'll occupy you with a joke if that doesn't sound right.  the d's are likely to lose support with the anti-war voters for any number of election cycles depending on some sort of hand out or bone thrown to the group.  also the robust defense but social and economic moderate (depending on where the goal posts are for moderate)  voters. are the d's becoming the new smartest person in room?

the case against hilary part 201,699

sorry if you manage to read this. in happy news, flight is a nice movie. 
-war in iraq
-"there were shots fired at me as soon as i got off the plane" so wrong she said it twice.
-"there is a vast right wing consiparcy against my(her) husband"
-who can forget all those nasty things she said about the drone program while she was sec. except everyone because she didn't say anything bad about the drone wars as sec. of state.
-what have you done for me lately? remember kids it's actually not 2016 right now
-she did not seem all that interested in saddling up and riding the horse of history in 08 which was admirable in a few ways but a real head scratcher in many more ways.
-there is no fountain of youth
to recap the peace niks or the nader voters aren't going for her and neither are what you could call the olberman independents (sorry i just had to duck and find my knee pads out at the woodshed after mentioning his name)
you may now channel surf

"solecism" Elizabeth Warren 2016

"yes we can" =/connotes: law, optimism, pragmatism, shared experience, forward thinking, permissiveness, fire dead weight. yes=yoko ono, we=together, can=canada y.w.c.= see why w. as in your gonna tell w. bush off.

e. warren 2016 "The Best Choice"
bold, confident, one nation/consensus, pro-choice/premissive, she's the decider, not the lesser of two evils, simple not so meta compared to yes we can. the =god, best= merit, choice=manifest destiny. t.b.c.= b.c.t. = evolution and christ and historic awareness.

other notes/possibilities "she's the one"  ....contribute  ....  head towards a non black or white choice for president at least from the dems, the grey area...she would seem to need to possibly get the scott browns of the world to vote for her or at least not hate her.

the best choice would connote heavy handedness?????

because u care so much

um, the nader 5 ain't turning out for the midterms.  al gore's new fav. film is just gonna be called "n-bomb two the n-bomb" and tipper will respond by poking him on friendster. *edited minutes later* one of the policies of the u.s.a that contributed to creating the 9/11 attacks was the policy of not killing bin laden, so you're right the the forgein policy of the us was in a way responsible for 9/11.

funny games

hacker group names is my new band name. 
more on the drone wars. we are killing some of the most passionate muslims who are only members of the "death-to-the-infidels" gangs and who otherwise have a clean(ish) rap sheet. (death the infidel dr.s you know not-withstanding)  so in a way it's like an international version of the stand-your-ground law. pardon the brevity, hope you did your yoga.  getaway drivers are still criminals and are often as violent as the stick-up folks.  humans shields = my new hacker group name

music fest 2013

remember kids your fest lineup has to be palatable for the army of folks who get up at 7.

cat.s: headliners, bucketlist/must-sees, deserves more audience, pitching forks

heads:adele, coldplay, u2, taylor swfit, lady gaga, elton john, rihanna, florence and the machine, guns and roses

bucket: metallica, aimme man, dylan, death cab, killers, strokes, whatever band d. ghorl and/or jack white is in, beyonce, bieber, k. perry, dr. dre and snoop d., radiohead, buddy guy, lucinda williams, bjork, the cure,

deserves more: grimes, suicide, the conformists, the best local acts

pitching four-ks: girl talk, talk normal, myths, bat for lashes, lupe fiasco, james blake, jenny lewis and co.

blame the shooter


Blame the shooter for the first ten deaths and the laws for everything after that, is a paraphrase of L. O’Donnell.

For me, that’s where the raging gun debate begins.  The second thing to consider is, are we trying to limit gun violence on the young or the population at large?  Because of course this debate is mostly a response to newtown and aurora.  To restate that, the question is, are young people, under 30ish, more violent and or likely to suffer gun violence? 

The common sense debate can be framed by noting that it is easier to kill someone with a gun than without, bearing in mind that abolishing guns would of course extremely limit gun deaths. 

In crazyville, we have a possibility to greatly increase profiling of anti-social behavior.  And we must consider, if the skyfalls, what gives the righteous citizens a decent chance to fend off a government take over. 

in crazytown the bumper stickers all read, how many jobs and careers and how much lost wealth equals the life of few dozen children every year or so?  

still in c-town, we could have (greater) tax breaks for taser and/or other non-lethal weapon purchases, campus security departments of course included, as well as (again greater?) tax breaks for home security systems in addition to the popular stricter background checks, showbiz no-access-for-kids rules, ammunition reform and assault weapon bans.

My bumper sticker factory has been working overtime but that’s my to sense with the idea that the so-called “stand your ground laws” have got to go.  stayed tuned for next week’s horror show about the anger teacher.


call it the extended comments section...

so "presidential inauguration" anagrams to "i o u tar gun pin residential"

ok so the departed mr. swartz as best as i can tell wanted to at least in a sense nationalize the academic industry's research in an way analogous to hugo c. nationalizing the Venezuelan farm land because it is the correct thing to do.  these folks like the departed should really invest in better bumper sticker factories otherwise a-holes like me have to you know do their rewrites.

so who's afraid of a little of the old ultra nationalizing?  but of course everyone knows it's just between jack nich and h. ledger as to who's the coolest created of chaos for chaos' sake.  and i have this tattoo that says don't do the crime if you can't do the time.  r. parks was the tattoo artist on that one.  so maybe there's some wiggle room. 

from the article: The arrest shocked friends of Mr. Swartz, as well as M.I.T. alumni. Brewster Kahle, an M.I.T. graduate and founder of the digital library Internet Archive, where Mr. Swartz gave programming assistance, wrote: “When I was at M.I.T., if someone went to hack the system, say by downloading databases to play with them, might be called a hero, get a degree, and start a company. But they called the cops on him. Cops.”

first it seems b. kahle went to grammar schools taught by yours truly.  but the playing with databases that aren't your own is perfectly legal if you can hack in, according to kahle. what could possibly be debatable about that?? in related news kahle is writing the next bond movie were he gets his license to kill.  saying that the super smart specialists get to play by a different set of rules is hardly a hip thing to say.  be your own 1% joke.

I'm due for another moment to say go f yourself to the megaupload defenders.  i have another tattoo that says it takes money to make money.  oh and then there's marx.  labor creates all value.  that's my cock tattoo.  i keep trying to get rid of it but it grows again.  i ain't no hollaback girl

you have to ask yourself, why are we killing people who only sympathize with the perpetrators of 9/11

pardon the dove parade but, i'm guessing mccain's not going to get this one but still. this nation's role in the world, bla bla bla.  band of outlaws, the obama(care) 5, who needs an editor? outlaw yoga.  sympathy for obscure terrorists.  like jagger but different.  righteous tree of treason i suppose doesn't need water or something or another.  i love waking up in the morning and wondering who i killed last nite you know as a country. 
we kill those in al-quada or what not because "never again" bla bla "fight em there not here" on and on and treason is you know unacceptable.  death to you and/or your country/religion/lifestyle bla bla bal. you may be wondering by now what's popular in k-pop.  i found myself wondering if Maryland is a state just now but still. 
two kill those riding in the car with soon to be or up and coming terrorists is the easy enough place to say enough with the drone strikes. the terrorists may ask though what's the point if the lighting's not right and thus depend on their assistant(s) to wage war 2.0 or whatever you'd call it in your caucus. 

blowing up the twin towers was  you know not legal according to the same law book or what not that declares  the drone program illegal, parts of more than likely at least anyway, the grey locations.

hiring phil jackson

It would seem that the knicks or the sonics would be the team. the knicks would need the gm to make a successful trade of Carmelo and Amare and then maybe the knicks could win the I cry lottery for kyrie irving next offseason. if the bucks moved to seattle it would probably be the coolest head coach job other than coach of LeBron plus Jackson lives in the NW.

I think I would miss on signing J. Noah. is derrick rose available to trade for?

what is the interior dept?

kg for ambassador

the extremes is a good band name.

this is a sports blog.

g is four gifts, granite, greens, Germany

lamar odom "I know I know, big smile and get it to kobe right?"

1st rounder club is different from the 1st teamer club. I forget cause I party so much.

here's a good link, though i'll be damned if I've read it as of now :)

wade's ad is good. wades says "we, in the ad...." with kd

we should outlaw the angels' style of franchise development.

curry v Durant, vs Lawson vs harden vs ginobli vs igudola

clearly kevin is the big star but ginobli's won more. it seems like a toss up between Durant and curry as to who is the best.


driving past the b. stone areana in nashville through the tourny traffic the lights went off:

1:) vandy and ky should play in the acc or whatever conference duke/n.c. is in. nashville tourism would be even stronger when it was it's turn to host what would be likley the best in the nation college b-ball conference tournment. 

2:) the sec should have 8 or 10 teams and the b-ball con. tourn would be over at least a few days before selection sunday.  florida and ark. would be the only good bask. team but lsu would be a coaches hot seat till somebody figured it out.  but it would be the football and florida, georgia, ala., lsu would play each other 90 something percent of the years. so then tn makes 6, then south car. and one mississippi team.  though maybe it's missouri instead with it's less absurd than tx south easterness and on and on but really if you the sec picks one school from miss. that gets to play g.g. football you know it will prop it up most likely. 7 con. games and a title game for kicks plus the playoff system. lots of cash lots of almost dvr quality sport broadcasts less goofy "the good folks of ky don't need to suffer through another double of miss st v.s. bad vandy tourny games just to watch an a nowheresville missouri team maybe turn in an uninspired performance against their team in the first of however many (too many) days of the conference tournament. even if they don't get to party in s0-called cashville

i suppose jay cutler might not like it

cinema school: breaking bad

you see it's important to be able to feel the nauce in the "creative decisions" in every movie or show or at least some of them.

in breaking bad
it's not coke, it's meth
he's a high school teacher, not a uni. professor
he's a teacher turned drug dealer, his brother-in-law is a DEA

I only watched season 3 and the premiere of season 4 fyi

cinema school: boot straps are still available

alternative writing assignments:
bond fan fiction
a movie about anne ranyd and/or martin hiedaggar

cinema school: Hollywood Ave

Own a mac or at least a laptop. This title is an allusion to K Street. Be prepared to feel worthless and no worthless is not a proper noun or a pronoun in this case. 

WOULD a western open well at the box office this weekend? in a related note, are there countries whose citizens are not allowed to immigrate to the usa? "publish"

cinema school: do eye have to make a feature???

everybody loves an origin story with an ensemble.  
do you know what conote denotes?
a thousand words to explain the price or what a picture is worth

email writing
Writing assignments (3 possibilities)
Books to read
Movies to Watch
Purchases to make
jokes about lists

writing assignment
assassinations of the 60s
10 minutes to four hours or more

buy a camera, computer, video editing software, a so-called boom mic system and register for a youtube or vimeo account or make your own website.

list of movies to see. must see more than 47% of the list. or just follow the oscar competition very closely one year

5 broken cameras
the hurt locker
The 400 blows
The 7th seal
a women under the influence
annie hall
citizen kane
roger and me

tv list (same rule 47% or more of the list must be watched or again follow the emmy race very closely one time)

sports night
the west wing
the civil war by ken burns
northern exposure
mad men (must read blog posts about apparent anachronisms)
the wire

quotes (or paraphrases involving m. streep) to contemplate
"...every line means 7 different things..." m. streep on a pr interview for the hours
"..we display the whole alphabet unlike m. streep who just goes from a to b..."k.hepburn on m. streep

highly recommended to at least take a tour through the following books:
verbal advantage
what i really want to do on set is
complete works of Shakespeare
the epic history of art in America
4 dada suicides
one of syd field's how to write a screenplay books
the brothers Karamazov
the situationist anthology
by any means necessary (about making malcom x starring d. washington)
watchmen (graphic novel)

also see (at least )1 out of each group of 10

group a
total eclipse
true romance
easy rider
rear window (Hitchcock)
hilary and jackie
natural born killers
the man who shot liberty valance
the Maltese falcon
12 angry men

group b
short cuts
american graffitti
the social network
a few good men
bull durham
harold and maude
the godfather 1-3

group c
the lady vanishes
singing in the rain
jules and jim
touch of evil
sound city
happy gilmore
romeo and juliet
the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the rings or the Hobbit but I missed it in the theater so you know maybe it's actually better than the fellowship

group d
the gleaners and I
a guy debor film
carilto's way
being john malkovich
beasts of the southern wild
the devil's double

group e
tree of life
forrest gump
the curious case of Benjamin button
strangers on a train
bringing up baby
moonrise kingdom
boogie knights

group f
batman begins
the dark night
the dark night rises
die hard
a clockwork orange
the good the bad and the ugly
the matrix
star wars episode 4
Lawrence of Arabia

(added 5/7/13)
Group G
After School
Peter and Vandy
Walking and Talking
Hannah Takes the Stairs
Hoop Dreams
The Piano Teacher
The Shinning (Kubrick)
Weekend (Godard)
The Order (M. Barney)

Again, with Grammar

to my dogs with wagging tales...i can see this either being the last post on this blog and/or the last one untill i copy edit the nearly 50 posts. music is weird....the music i'm listening to, not so much.  ...the succulent debate topic, other than how to reinvent the wheel, is was last season of treme better than the first season of's early for year end lists but it seems like a down year for m.s. movies. argo and take this waltz and southern beasts and clint eastwood, the actor.  music - i guess it's grimes but in many ways it's just going gaga over the predictable....the deal with politics - (but first, "then again" it's like when a director tells an actor to do a scene again but starting from a mid point (it's the title of diane keaton's book)) i had an idea for a new type of cable news show and possibly so new that it would need to new cable news network. iowa 2015 seems like the place to be. i think ashley judd should run for gov. of ky. i guess i still would go for lawerence summers for next pres but probably only if the economy was still down. in a similar sense, colin powell would do well if the war on terror is still going strong at that point. otherwise it's gotta be rachel maddow.

I change the world (possibly) four the better

all adverbs should be in parentheticals. god nose i've underachieved.  i put traveling soldier by the d. chicks on a new playlist and that's what's playing.  in a little over a year I managed to complete all 10 levels of verbal advantage. i passed the level 10 test this morning. now I'll know a pettifogger when i see won.  next up is the chicago style manual. there will be semi-colons used properly.  it was a nice morning, as i also put another check in the bank so i made it over the 15k mark.   oh yes, my 10 year college reunion is next weekend.  then the following wed. grimes plays in town and the debate of pres. candidates happens.  i have tickets and i plan on buying a t-shirt and then maybe wearing it to grimey's record store. i'll take you to go see usher. i don't know girl talk. i forget why but it dawned on me that i will like the new terrance malik film more than the last one and thus be flipped from the critical consensus.  the figurative senses of zipper. by the way, I'm totally sober as yu-sh (usual) . lace up my boots. stock all in(another poker face=stop calling) ( hello! pay phones) yes this is _. or is ti? i really want to get better at anagrams. english anagrams at least. right! you wouldn't want to have kids if you got aids, like the movie. on facebook i do include a link to this blog.  i was on my way. to tell you it's no good. chasing my damage. interpol=the new the kings of leon.

on so-called great movies

ghost world- the character of reniasance punk takes the imaginary bus leaving the real world to scarJo's young woman
bullet - car chases, fashion, responsibilty in 1960's san fran, no special effects, something like instant replay in the car chase scenes
wait are there more great movies?
the aviator
bullets over broadway/midnight in paris - the deep sea smack down by w. allen of cameron crowe and wes anderson
the piano teacher
melancholia - if only bjork sang
cremaster- ditto
taken - it's the new die hard
die hard - yippie
aeon flux - for realz
the matrix- for the 99 percent
being j.m - for the non-literal people
hoop dreams
game change
mulhulland drive
on the road - acceptably fungible for the motorcycle diaries i hope in that less communism same drama way.

techniques for the flying author

techniques for non-literal meanings of ordered content:

very short, short, medium, long, very long.  backwards, intermittent, antonyms, purposeful misuse and combos of it all; structure; begin and end. and more.

This doesn't include (other?) proper literary techinuques such as allusions, metaphors, references, spoonerisms etc. (I still haven't read the book, oxford conise dictionary of literary terms soon though, trust your humble narrator)

so for example, the first line of moby dick, "Call me Ishamel." could be seen in a manifold of non literal ways.

I find it easiest to start with assuming that one of the author's conciets is that we will look at the prose as if it's poetry so there should be line breaks.  In this instance the first line break could come after "call" which if taken in context of when the book was written could be seen as anticipating the future of communication being centered around the calling people on the telephone so then the 2nd line would the caveman or tarzan line, "me ishamel" which then combined with the 1st line has a dynamic of describing the author's present in terms that readers in the future will find insightful.  you can jump ahead then and look at chapters in relation to each other in a similiar way as the parsing of the 3 words in the first sentence. 

my surmation is that people are more familiar with looking at things backwards for esoteric meanings.  the classic album call the doctor is fun to look at.  c.t.d is the abbrevation which if reveresed is d.t.c. the T of course looks similiar to the cross that nearly everybody in this country knows is where jesus of nazara died. so then you'd have d.c., possibly as in washington d.c. with the cross in the middle and since the album was part of what i remember being refered to as queer punk it seems there might be quite the spiked punch when one gets their stephoscope out.

just because

I should point out that I'm not listening to Gaga at the moment but I was when I figured I should write about the thoughts in my head tonight about at least politics and some films. 
The modus operandi thus being stated almost equivocally you'll pardon the digressions if they flourish.

knowing only where I wish to end, having obama as pres well instead of hilary, it could be said that we end up in a rut better expressed in almost no better way than with The Help having the outstanding success in the awards season of course then a reminder that it is the awards season before the reelection. 
what do i mean is a wonderful question. its very sad to consider perhaps just how bad it is.  movies or politics?  or digressions? of course i intend to eschew the jump off a bridge type advice but what i might think of as a clever idiom might be actually you know bad. the politics of the oscars is a nice place to start you have thought already.  maybe.  your humble narrator has possibly skimmed some books to a terrible fault.  exactly. right its another edition of enemies of the truth.  oddly enough my brain has the starring role. we'll be here in this rut for another 7 years sounded like a reasonable posit. the obama aide in my head just retorted yes at worst but the only boom and bust cycle from 7 years of decent growth will be you know the career of mr. fincher. 
so maybe I"m anxious or obtuse or both and worse.
hilary hilary hilary. mrs. clinton even.  which of course was the reason she lost which brings up the crossover possible nonsense of the idea in the details of why savvy dems. picked o over hrc becuase you know even if they both ended with the same accomplishments it was best for the party to have those accomps be celebrated on tv by someone with a solid marrige or what have you.  refer to the pugnacious 2nd para you know graph for guidance as they might say.  i should be weary to not mistake any however slight or almost harmless so-called negative stereotypes of women I have be passed for universal mental problems of humans or just people like me in other numerous and varied ways.  also feels good to note just how long this has taken to write till this point almost an hour.
so things at the surface level rule the most powerful country in the world. almost everyone is angry at that. eschewing the retorts.
I've watched almost the whole episode of maddow sans the interview with that one guy whose a candiate.  i always like to look at least not bad. looking over this the word rut becomes the whole statement almost which is another fine word -almost.
contained depression is maybe a better phrase to use from npr so the google can sell 9 cents of ads from it.   
of course you can guess if you allowed yourself that i believe in reasonable deficiet spending when prudent and when isn't it?

A Suit and a Hair Cut

as opposed to a character that's a mustache and a punchline such as ron swanson.
boardwalk empire emmys treme enough violence even for ron paul supporters a couple cheers actually represents the entire group of paul supporters at the debate, the cults last friday nite, m. in paris owen wilson, laura, gaga murdoch duchamp,
The Debt is a nice thriller. Discreet Charms of the Anarchists

Discreet Charms of the Anarchists

Peter Jackson's an anarachist right? Even with the commerical breaks, LOTR movies are very charming.

Spielberg and Cowboys or Now, the SI

As much as Spielberg can be credited for some of the success of Transformers and Super 8 and even Falling Skies, it can be argued that he over saturated the market and thus the thud that seems to be the opening weekend of what I think is a sweet blockbuster, Cowboys and Aliens.  Creatively it's like he hasn't missed all summer but one of the legacy issues with him is something like over-ambition or just plain greed which maybe doesn't work out so well once again after this summer.

Moneyball, the movie, doesn't look like the next great baseball movie.  If you want you can think about David Fincher's non-existent version with Mr. Pitt but the real one does look like a fun watch.  The next sport movies, notably the ESPN one, could surely have dealt with the two big issues in Moneyball, small markets and stat driven scouting.  A movie about the LaRussa book, 3 Nights in August, is more dramatic than Moneyball though Billy Beane is a great kind of anti-hero and the themes of the book and movie kind of counterbalance The Blind Side, which is written by the same author, surely enough.

On the subject of the ESPN movie, I think it should run no more than 2 and 20, should be directed by Sophia Coppola, start at the start of the book, end during the Big Show(Olbermann and Dan Patrick) and finish with Animal House like story titles about what they all do after the story ends.  To spell it out, this version would be another contemporary take on the "cowboys" that are so Hollywood.  I know, "you're welcome" and "hello" in Spanish.

Aberrant Titles, Just Like Dylan

O where to start?  With a verbal advantage? Thankfully all the quidnuncs (KWID-nuhngk the last part rhymes with skunk) in my life have more exciting friends, at least in their opinion.  

The following is in honor of Mark Shapiro and The Jim Rome Show: Breaking Bad is the hardest working show on TV but Don Draper thinks they need to have a drink and listen to some 'Stones.

How about a list judging things?
Transformers 3 in 3D, 6.1
Larry Crowne, 6.5
Midnight in Paris, 9.1

Somewhere, 9.0
Super 8, 7.8
Tree of Life, 8.3
Treme season 2, 9.0
The Killing season 1, 8.0
Breaking Bad season 4 premiere, 8.1
Men of a Certain Age series finale, 8.1
Failing Skies season 1 so far, 7.0
Elizabeth Warren's exit stage left, 0.9
Google TV, 7.11
Those Guys Have all the Fun, 7.1

I think it'd be clever to start using the +1 button even though they lost my invite to Google circles or whatever in the mail. No spoonerisms this time but a T.S. Elliot and effort,
"Our emotions
Are only "incidents"
In the effort to keep day and night together."

born this way

 last year, if "somewhere over the rainbow" was the name of s. coppola's movie instead of "somewhere", it would've gotten oscar nominations

the countdown till john legend does an episode of crossroads??? or gaga!!! certainly don't think too much.kinda wimped out and missed lizzy phair as all i had to do the next day was finish loading a truck and then drive it for 12 hours and then start a week of work till midnight and be back on by 7 or 8 the next morning.  please come back, i know liz you're an avid reader...
yes so dallas loves them some everclear on the radio.  comfort suites are nice there.  ended up watching the superbowl with a bunch of truckers at the bar at hooters.  it was totally right outside the door from my hotel in little rock. b. clinton gave me a high five. i strain to make a joke.  Spoonerisms!!Q!
gettin my arty spice on.  perhaps it'll transform into getting my wierdo spice on but we're all born spice girls!!1! did listen to joanna newsom's song cosmia about 5 or so times in the big d and on my travels

something i learned today

zen arcade, the narc ached. it's like arcade fire but mixed with the botherhood.
feel like i should hit the publish post button. posture in writing though also has my attention
not really. the first part is a ref to the husker du classic i guess post-hardcore album.

once again

if obama loses, and this may sound defeatist but suck it as they use to say, geitner is the fall guy.  it's like saying, so this group had the worst results in nearly a century?!! well what else needs changed other a promotion from within said group?  if you're looking for proof and you can make it past the whinny white boys now all grown up style of the film, hbo's "too big to fail" dramedy is my choice....all can be right with the world once again if he lets biden retire and chooses e. warren for vp. broken record here but it solves so many issues that it could be justly called great thinking for the future.  and think about it, bush the sequel for all his politics held onto a personal standard or something like that in regaurds to his legacy or one of his favorite cliches, history will be the judge of me, so I'm saying a legacy of, it could've been worse" is terrible if not the tragedy that was bush 2....
sometimes it feels like netflix has lost an understanding of business on the internet.  completists will always want the special extras on their favorites and oh by the way i sure hope those new contracts 'r solid when it comes to say a 2k or greater than hi-def resolution version of the products or you risk losing the cutting edge niche in home entertainment and of course there is hulu which for now is still in the game in a huge way. and google loves them some swiss server sites with what i'm being told is illegal yet proper version of their products. yes, their. if HD sticks around for say another 5 ears then people can spend 20 or 30 on their must own fav tv shows like season 1 of mad men, treme, sopranos, hereos, and maybe season 3 and the last of the sporanos and much less on movies, maybe people start going back to spending that 20/month on movie tickets instead, taste changes when it's a fad.

Christmas Special!!!

Great form brings out the seraphim in things. Ha! 
Too bi mad men season 1-3 at 12 bucks a sd year.?  Isn’t dnla situation? (The orphanage is closing in an hour)…
To the political solutions. Oh yes rape laws- all for them in this new government all up in your bedroom because hello, crimes happen in your bedroom in no time at all these days. Also case you missed it, the triangulation happened and like most any successful political move, it’s nearly impossible to pin point when it started, was it the speech “no to two Americas?” in 2004 or maybe this tax failure.  The obsessive conspiracy theory angle in me got thinking that maybe guy debor didn’t kill himself. It’s Obama fault right? That’s kinda sort edgy. It’s Frosty! I blame no one/ monkey on my back,,,,keeps me.. it’s the catch baby. 
Besides the no label movement or party with strong man joe form the television ;) know what’s up!?
Typing with my new gloves as my hands always get cold on the computer – these are nice Cause they are open fingered if that’s a term.
Euphemism for Adverbs, A queen just sips her wine, the trouble zone, knickers, two weeks
Top ten lists
1.     Treme. Nothing else came very close in terms of all season long.  Really better than any season of the wire. Better than expected to say the least.  One liners like, play for that motherfuckin money, great music, and no show broke your heart like this one did.  In my quick judging, the best season of tv since season 1 of mad men.
2.       Mad men. The clips of draper saying what alone would get it on here in a way. On a side note, youtube took that down!!? It’s so funny.  It may rank 2nd to the first season in mm history and as you can tell that season ranks high for me.  The off broadway episode with the boxing match, the women of mad men episode that many didn’t like (they are wrong if you’re wondering), the kids, the hipsters, the fucking swimming, the exit of cooper, classics! Goes a long way to supporting the idea that this is the/a golden age of tv.
3.       Boardwalk Empire. Bit of drop to this one as only treme and mm where like must see every second and really that was just treme but I digress.  Tons of great lines that I’d want to get exact so I won’t bother right now with them.  Stunning visuals, great direction of course, and steve mother fucking buscemi’s on screen persona transformation from a loser in say ghost world, reservoir dogs etc., to the man with grace kelley’s phone number.  And micheal pitt rocked that guy from arcade fire’s haircut way better than the rocker did/does.  If only there was more violence right?
4.       Parks and Rec. – funny times. Ron swanson, the character who’s an anti-government, government employee with a heart buried deep under his thick mustache performed with awesomeness by the actor.  Really could have 30 rock/the office here but this just seemed fresher on first run.
5.       Breaking Bad. If folks were up in this show’s ass about craftsmanship details like they are with MM, it would be nice cause as it is, this show is the golden child along with community of the “they” of critics.  But don’t let that stop you from watching. It’s very clever with great acting from the two leads. It’s like weeds in that it took a simple drug dealing set-up and has extended the premise a long way perhaps past the point of reality but who cares.
6.       Eastbound and Down. Even in the first couple episodes but delivered the best couple minutes in comedy this year with his entrance to taking the mound for the first time.  After that episode, it seemed like everything worked well enough to make it can’t miss.
7.       The Daily Show. Would’ve been higher but the rally didn’t register as classic so as sinfield does in his routine now, everything now, it’s either great or it sucks.  I watched most every night.
8.       Men of a Certain Age. It still feels odd putting this show on here but just watch it, it’s amazing nearly every second. 
9.       Weeds. – Yeah man.
10.   How to make it in America. A breath of fresh air/shot of energy one of the funnest shows to watch on tv.
     Was Curb on this year? If so it would be number 3. Shout outs to PTI and Entourage both had great years.
1.       Boyfriend – Best Coast. Might have gone with bad romance not sure if that was even this year or a ke$ha track as they are both clearly more single oriented. This song though came out of nowhere, was a hipster hit single and god is just so easy to listen to. 2nd place goes to dancing with myself by robyn which if you’re looking to rock out at the club is a better choice but boyfriend would be the song you know that you start going steady to!! Also goldfrapp had a couple good ones and xxxo by m.i.a.. dude bands need better singles clearly though I like it by Enrique was great.
1.       Come around Sundown –King of Leon.  I recommend it.
Bonnaroo – the Dead Weather. See there was this girl, it was so hot out, then the dead weather started and it started raining and then of course they rocked oh so hard.
The posies. Played the exit/inn opening for another act.  One of the best shows of my time in nashvegas.  Hard to explain.
 Aailyah, the true Queens of Noise, Nirvana
This is a bit of tough list as there’s a few still to see but my ruckus you’re looking for will be on display…
1.       ?/Somewhere.  By all accounts this is the movie. Just it hasn’t opened here yet. The tech geek in me is pumped to know she shot with old lenses that give a soft look which in this hd world makes that part of me so happy.
2.       Winter’s Bone. Does the critical dismissing of this movie deserve my lashing? Probably not. Great acting, great storytelling, some of the shots burn their memory into your brain. 
3.       Social network. Again a bit of a drop off from the first two. Hard to tell weather all the various parts that seem to be, in a post-modern way intertwined into the story but are barely there should be counted.  Like is this a movie about the dot-com world in general or is it limited to mark zuckerburg?  It’s not that big of a deal but for me the best parts are the big picture ones like the value of generating revenue vs. getting a valuation on your idea which like the best critics point out, is an issue with so much of American/western business particularly in this day and age.
4.       Banksy – I recommend it.
5.       Wall Street 2. Overlooked for some reason.
You could round out a top ten with the fighter, black swan, the American, godard’s last film, and maybe the runaways or twilight 3. 
You’re welcome America. 

elizabeth warren for vp.

in ways that are not really exciting to describe, she's the best even over al fraken types.  thank you, I'd like to thank the fans.

i'ma get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans

"The promised end" was a satisfactory if not quite like epic ending to slings and arrows which ended in 06. it does make me want to see lear performed or a movie of it.
tomorrow may be the day to buy a car, there's a used prius that sounds like a deal. and in other semi-banal info on me, the latest project with william henry is going well, we're continueing the editing it this week. keep an eye out for the new 3 dvd set it's gonna be a very sweet addition to your library even if you're already a fan of his.

call the understudy, I can't go on tonight

slings and arrows, what a fine show, shakespear, canada and a non-documentary style look into the people behind the scenes.  plus it had the homosexual-ish character straight from glee just you know four years earlier.  you can watch all three seasons instantly on netflix, I'm on the 3rd, it's awesome! plus one guy directed all 18 episodes, which is rare in tv.
it's in the water
the meaning is in the verse!
Is it odd that I adore reading about polls on the 538 blog but I never ever particapate in them?  REally somebody tell me if the teacher's union is in a gots to go situtation!
I'm thinking san fran in 6 or 7 over texas. 

you wanna Party with your pants off?

like a cable series, I'll do a blog once a week for few months each year, at least likely...jumping the shark/slurping mad men; it's good to know that critics still love a filmed off broadway play type of viewing experience as seen in the calls that the mad men episode that had the ali fight for a background was the greatest thing evar.  it should win the emmy unless they give that to modern family as well...really you could say mad men jumped the shark back in season 1 after, spoiler alert, the firm doesn't fire don for actually being dick whitman. it's the central conflict in the series and the biz is just about all that don cares about and after that it's like where's the central conflict? 
on to the polly licks, it is an election year hell it's almost an election month. the case against flat taxes is the people who profit the most from this country should support it the most.  look at that I annihilated the flat tax without even singing the sad song of the poor and the hungry.  Don't believe what you've heard, I'm not a witch... oh duchamp
kristen wig= just a little bit super funny all the time
she lives in the fairy tales, quoteth "brick by boring brick". go crazy folks. my series prediction of reds in 5 over the yanks didn't quite turn out... go crazy folks

Ludivine Sagnier, Julien Torma and other semi-obscure french persons

with a title like that who needs a blog post?  anyway saw some movies and felt like writing about them.  Little Lili is a Chekhov adaption with Sagnier directed by Claude Miller.  The other part of the double feature of mine was Bad Lieutenant with Nic Cage and Werner.  Torma actually has a small following on facebook, like 25 people and me "like" him.  The real question is whether or not to be online friends with any of them.  right now leaning towards no but really now in most new, harmless and doesn't-really-involve-a-drastic-change-kind-of-things like this i lean towards yes so...torma was french.  seems like I had more excitement to write about my fellow torma "likers". till next time

redneck dumpster-diving shiek

That's the description of the health care reform bill :) case you didn't notice, relaxing the every weekend posting so defintaley rss this bad boy if you're kinda type a.  ....watched the Burning Plan, it rocks. also thought charlize theron's dress at the oscars was awesome in a playful way.  ....

sharif, christie, lean, zhivago..oscar

it lost to the sound of music for best picture and didn't get a leading actor's nomination for sharif or christie.  what a great movie though.  "no one loves poetry like a russian"
health care debate has added some strong talkers about why it was the right move to do the health care debate and of course i might have be in the group that sees it as a mistake so to clarify, it all boils down the public option, the debate on the po is what has taken so much time and energy, and it never had the votes in the senate but the hard urban left was dead set on creating it which meant the simple health reforms, not to mention other parts of the agenda like climate change/energy,  that most everyone knows will work, get bogged down and easily tarred by calls of socialism, which a public option kinda sorta is.  this country is no where near getting past the idea that able body people must pull themselves 100% up by their bootstraps. kids and old people get a pass but nobody else. and that's a huge point of contention. now i'm on the single payer side but you know i live in the real world.

smash mouth

oh canada. that was fun hockey to watch.  ..
The shoot went great and the footage jumps off the screen.  gotta love the cast.  I'll have images up soon.
snl was funny last night.  might keep this one short...



so pumped about making a series of short films finally for those longtime readers.  anyway starting friday it's on.  they don't have much to do with the flash that i had a few months ago for a music video but that's the way it works. 
file under in case you were wondering; i saw a serious man and that's now my oscar pick though it has little shot. suppose i have a bit of a man crush on the cohen's as they make some of the strangly entertaining movies in indiewood.  sarah palin's "how's that hope-y change-y thing workin' out for ya'll?' line she gave here in nashville was an instant classic though her hand reading nonsense just affirms she's without forsight.   someone had a good one where they listed her as, sarah palin (r- facebook). puruple haze (jesus saves) was what jimi wanted to call the song supposedly. 

dixie chicks

the bonnaroo lineup is being announced and i'm iffy on going again.  kings of leon = my can't miss act if i go.  jay-z is kinda like seeing a lakers regular season game, not really into it but at least you'd see the one and only king kinda thing not like last year's more 'fan favorites'  beastie boys, snoop, public enemy etc.  dave mathews= maybe but still rather see the dead as a jam band headliner than dave or phish from last year. of course it's kinda outside the bonnaroo tent to have lady gaga headline which is actually the one stadium act that i would think about spending the big money on and an act like kesha also falls outside of the typical bonnaroo act. no doubt they'll have some bands like passion pit or russians circles like they did last year but so far it doesn't have the number of mid level bands that i really like or really wanted to see live as they did last year with jenny lewis, neko case, yeah yeah yeahs, animal collective, mgmt, wilco, tv on the radio, and i already saw phoneix last year so yeah. on the plus side, i actually think weezer will be way more fun than springsteen last year and the flaming lips are a better vibe than nine inch nails.  i was kinda on over kill with the boss last year cause i enjoyed his superbowl halftime and obama inaguration performances so by the time i see his 3rd 'big' performance of the year it was a little much for me to get pumped about.   which leads to the dixie chicks who should really be at this point like the biggest band in the usa but we all know what happened.  they would be a perfect fit for the superbowl hafltime and headlining bonnaroo but last i read they are exploring side projects.  maybe the kings of leon will have another big album or two and they can be the halftime entertainment soon.  i'd say elton john would be a likely canidate for next year with beyonce next though it's worth noting that of the 103 million people who watched 100 million of them would probably not like to hear a song called bootylicious and to her credit she's not into that either anymore but it does limit then the number of songs of hers that are familiar to a mass audience.  it's not being old and not just not being a rapper that they seem to be looking for but rather having 20 or so minutes of music that most everybody has heard at one point or another.  yeah crazy in love counts as one and i guess that put a ring on it song also counts but like the boss that guy has had enough massive hit singles to do an hour set, same with prince and u2 all the other recent ones.  for beyonce and like taylor swift you'd better to have a handoff kinda thing and let like three acts do the halftime show like they use but it's kinda cool to have something like a mini concert at halftime rather than just like an ipod on shuffle for 20 minutes.

sequence, the board and card game


young(ish)white male liberals could sort of be divided culturally into like, micheal moore/oliver stone fans, wes anderson/godard fans and then like seth rogen/cheech and chong fans. of course some folks could really enjoy all of 'em but as far as voters you can count on, directors like paul t. anderson, spike jonze and james cameron while of course they're 'hollywood lefties,' i don't think consistently portray the world in a way that like obama would really get down with.  they're more like spielberg in that it's usually quite different movie to movie and often apolitical.  of course some of those directors might not even think of themselves as humanists or like democrats but it's not as if many people can get down with sarah palin and get off watching george clooney as a cute cartoon.
it's hard to know who to root for in the oscars for me.  it's pretty much between inglorious and hurt locker with the pardon me to up in the air and precious which I haven't seen.  i read a solid critique of the hurt locker from a vet of the iraq war that confirmed a few noticeable flaws.  too bad taking woodstock didn't get nominated or the rest of up was as good as the first 15 or so minutes or the 2nd and 3rd hours of avatar were as good as the first or if it would be ok to still like woody allen movies that don't involve three ways with p.cruz not that there's anything wrong with 3 ways and her.  flaws and all it's tough to go against the women director(hurt locker) just because how difficult it is for them in general in hollywoodland particularly to then go for yet another ww2 movie but having said kinda sorta seems like i.b. was the best of the ten noms
so the board and card game, sequence, is wicked awesome as am I at playing it despite what my father seems to remember about our many duels at it.  the word is dominating and the question is how to describe my ability at the game.  and through in dominos too while we're at it, i feel bad some times and try out some wildly experimental strategy and then sometimes when i play like that he or my mom might win but it's only cause i let them, in a way.