
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

you want moore?

rand paul 2016: he cures your pre-existing beliefs.

so what? no sexting on a first online chat?


seems like snowden and manning both had the feeling that the government was corrupt and somebody like them could fish around and make a fool of the gov. but not that they were you know lifers who knew the old line and when that long established line was crossed, then they blew the whistle. they went looking for a whistle after you know god or whatevers told them to. i don't think you can call manning naive.

it's kinda like the keith olbermann show never leaves the airways these days. worth remembering that secret prison's, torture, nsa all that was covered back in the w. days on countdown. i hear keith's fav. movie is splash. oh and pundits are worthless except when they pay you for your stats. to be a hard judge, wikileaks and co. will only be considered succesful if the next president of the usa (or maybe an eu power) runs on ending the war on terror. maybe paul and warren rock that slogan but h.r.c. (likely) isn't. or if b.h.o you know makes it his platform the last few years, like it's as or more important than climate change/immigration etc.. you know the countdown to the end of the v. war didn't last long after those leakers got a hold of it.

i have h.r.c. being the last d that many many grungers ever vote for. mainstream r have all the cool masks these days. my fav. is a totally unscientific poll but i think a generic r out polls a generic d in a rather large portion of the country. conspiricay theory! manning is a team obama spy ala scooter libby he might get a pardon and he did it to begin with because he did the math with x whispers factored in and he'd make a splash you know for good.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our you ready for some gut punches?

wikileaks in court in t-minus 48 minutes. I just hit play on non-classical music for the first time in a few months. oh the war on terror, when will it be over genius? i blame gaga. justice = 6 months probation? you're not their only enemy. probably more than 6 months probation.

so you think you're
funnier than conan o'briend?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Aaron Sorkin's Newsroom season 2

you better you better you bet

occupy and drones and libya seem to be the headlines or topics. to go ahead and judge before I've seen all the 'sodes...

it's strange to wonder what the show's understanding and opinions are of the issues. i'll rank them! i think the show gets at least the big picture on drones then a lot less on occupy and even less on libya. as a side note, I'd love to make 1500/hour and/or be in the Who. drone use seems like a fuzzy legal framework but still hard to argue that it's you know 90 something percent illegal and then you have to fence with the whole war is hell bumper sticker. it's still disappointing that you know a more robust debate wasn't to be had but i guess that's a.s.'s takedown of the level of understanding of the issues in a typical cable news show. holy f-balls i can site my own blog enteries for more details than the story had. the moving needle is my new painting. i still do see it as a cousin to the stand your ground laws. i should sell more bumper stickers. or at least more b.s.. i possibly could have made more money of the occupy moments but i never attend and i barely even read that much on it. timeshare jokes. feed your cynics. occupy equals a great sentence. lists of demands you know b+. actually can't site any previous blog posts. bla bla bla debour is about as much I contributed. maybe i got much or all of occupy wrong like any number of other things that for some reason are left up to me. the next thing i thougt of was anti-government protest and an up or down or all-in is a poker phrase. maybe next week's show will be called live ammunition and have a joke about being an intern for the occupy movement. i would like to think that history would still sort of exist post-revolution. cursory is a nice word. toby zielger not from the office but the west wing ignoring the protesters vs the new character being excited by the protestors duh dudhn duhn.
i know a ton about libya. it's where bengahzi is. that is all.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

the 2%

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Intimidation and re-inventions of the wheel

truth telling vs intimidation

the finer points of intimidation as a foreign policy would more commonly be called assured mutual destruction or just about.

hyperbole would have it in the caucus with opposition researchers who believe in getting under the other team's skin.

threats and appeals to self interest have tended to move the needle before people even used that phrase. by the old gods and the new in other words.
more of season three sleepersode.

so outlaw intimidation! we might need more prison space. shame it then. it's a hard thing for existientialists to do. freedom lovers and all. have a rough time telling others that the are wrong to the end of existence or whatever.

i think the next oliver stone movie is called "violence: i know it when i see it.". he's crowdsourcing the plot as usue.