
Monday, December 9, 2013

Post title

Senators Warren, wyden, and sanders should form a new political party and stick it to the d's. Obama democrats are the new Clinton d's. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

smile. like you. mean it

e. warren (I) 2016. i'd like to thanks the fans

spotify and vinyl

that's right you fucking hipsters, it's how it's done. sorry itunes.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

beck and call

super monday surprise - massive spending on e-libraries. it's the same as cash-for-clunkers

hello kids, let us smell the same roses
student loan burden vs non-development of a student because he/she wasn't allowed to purchase an education

the prequel to posion ivy: working class kid with the grades gets into an ivy league poetry program which cost him 50k a year which she is loaned. the kid is not a poet as it turns out. wouldn't it have been nice if the curriculm was just online and you know ad-supported. but then what is curriculum? it seems like the lessons plans are only a fraction of teaching. students can, i think be expected to sort of teach the proffesors and then have the prof. adjust or whatever the curr. to incorporate the new info the the students contributed.
or the rigidness of the basic curr. is bypassed in traditional school.

poets train other poets?
awards make you a teacher?
publishers do what again?

"a small enough pond"

Sunday, December 1, 2013

everything that's wrong with me

short post. i maybe got fooled by corporate hipster d's into drumming up what little support i could from code pinkers for obama 12.